compiled by Felix Just, S.J., Ph.D.
Bibliography for Lectionary-Based Preaching and Meditation:
Most of the following are series with three separate volumes corresponding to Sunday Cycles A, B, and C :
[Team of Authors] . Scripture Backgrounds for the Sunday Lectionary: A Resource for Homilists . Liturgy Training Publications,
[Editors of Celebrating the Lectionary] . Preaching to Adults, Teens, and Children: Homily Starters for Cycles A, B, and C . LTP, 2003.
Karla Bellinger and John Barker . Living the Word: Scripture Reflections and Commentaries for Sundays and Holy Days . 3 vols. GIA Publications, 2023-2025 .
Dianne Bergant , C.S.A. The Word for Every Season: Reflections on the Lectionary Readings . 3 vols. Paulist Press, 2008–2010.
Dianne Bergant , C.S.A., with Richard N. Fragomeni . Preaching the New Lectionary . 3 vols. Liturgical Press, 1999–2001.
Harold A. Buetow . [Title]: Homily Reflections for Sundays and Holy Days . Alba House, 1995–1997.
Michael E. Bulson . [Title]: Timeless Homilies for Deacons . 3 vols. Paulist Press, 2005–2007.
Year A : Teach What You Believe ; Year B : Preach What You Believe ; Year C : Believe What You Read .
William J. Byron , SJ. The Word Proclaimed: A Homily for Every Sunday of the Year: Year A . Paulist Press, 2013.
William J. Byron , SJ. The Word Explained: A Homily for Every Sunday of the Year: Year B . Paulist Press, 2014.
William J. Byron , SJ. The Word Received: A Homily for Every Sunday of the Year: Year C . Paulist Press, 2012.
Mary Deeley . Breaking Open the Word: An RCIA Guide to Sunday Scripture . 3 vols. Liguori Publications, 2020-2022.
James DiGiacomo , S.J. Sundays with Jesus: Reflections for the Year of Matthew [/Mark/Luke] . 3 vols. Paulist Press, 2006–2008.
John R. Donahue , S.J. Hearing the Word of God: Reflections on the Sunday Readings . 3 vols. Liturgical Press, 2002–2004.
Daniel Donovan . Preparing for Worship: Sundays and Feast Days . 3 vols. Paulist Press, 1993–1995.
Roland J. Faley . Footprints on the Mountain: Preaching & Teaching the Sunday Readings . Paulist Press, 1994.
William J. Grimm . Dialogue of One: Homilies for Sundays and Feasts in Years A, B, and C . ATF Press, 2019.
Dennis Hamm , S.J. Let the Scriptures Speak: Reflections on the Sunday Readings . 3 vols. Liturgical Press, 1999–2001.
Mark Hart . One Sunday at a Time: Preparing Your Heart for Weekly Mass . 3 vols. Ave Maria Press, 2022-2024 .
Larry Hollar , ed. Hunger for the Word: Lectionary Reflections on Food and Justice . 3 vols. Liturgical Press, 2004–2006.
John F. Kavanaugh , S.J. [Title]: Meditations on the Sunday Scriptures . 3 vols. Orbis Books, 1996–1998.
James W. Kinn . Teach, Delight, Persuade Scriptural Homilies for Years A, B, and C . Liturgy Training Publications, 2009.
David Knight . Living God's Word: Reflections on the Weekly Gospels . 3 vols. St. Anthony Messenger, 1999–2000.
Peter Kreeft . Food for the Soul: Reflections on the Mass Readings . 3 vols. Word on Fire, 2021-2023 .
S. Joseph Krempa . Captured Fire: The Sunday Homilies . 3 vols. Alba House, 2005.
Mahri Leonard-Fleckman . Ponder: Contemplative Bible Study . 3 vols. Liturgical Press, 2020-2022 .
John W. Martens . The Word on the Street: Sunday Lectionary Reflections . 3 vols. Liturgical Press, 2016-2018.
Aidan Nichols . Year of the Lord's Favour: A Homiliary for the Roman Liturgy . 4 vols. LTP, 2012.
Volume 1 : The Sanctoral Cycle ; Volume 2 : Advent and Christmastide, Lent and Eastertide ; Volume 3 : Sundays through the Year ; Volume 4 : Weekdays through the Year .
Margaret Nutting Ralph . Breaking Open the Lectionary: Lectionary Readings in Their Biblical Context for RCIA, Faith Sharing Groups, and Lectors . 3 vols. Paulist Press, 2005–2007.
Jose A. Pagola . Following in the Footsteps of Jesus: Meditations on the Gospels . 3 vols. Convivium Press, 2010–2012.
John J. Pilch . The Cultural World of Jesus: Sunday by Sunday . 3 vols. Liturgical Press, 1995–1997. - Year A ; Year B ; Year C
John J. Pilch . The Cultural World of the Apostles: The Second Reading, Sunday by Sunday . 3 vols. Liturgical Press, 2001–2003. - Year A ; Year B ; Year C
John J. Pilch . The Cultural World of the Prophets: The First Reading and the Responsorial Psalm, Sunday by Sunday . 3 vols. Liturgical Press, 2002–2004. - Year A; Year B ; Year C
Joseph Pollard . Fresh Light: Homilies on the Gospels of Year A (or B, or C). Hillenbrand Books, 2007.
Barbara E. Reid , O.P. Parables for Preachers . 3 vols. Liturgical Press, 1999–2001. – also in Spanish translation: Las parabolas: predicandolas y viviendolas
James M. Reinert . Preaching the Social Doctrine of the Church in the Mass . 3 vols. Libreria Editrice Vaticana, 2011; USCCB Publishing, 2013-2014. - Volumes for Year A and Year B only.
Sandy Rigsby and Steve Mason . Exploring the Sunday Lectionary: A Teenager's Guide to the Readings . 3 vols. Paulist Press, 2005–2007.
John E. Rotelle , O.S.A., ed. Meditations on the Sunday Gospels . 3 vols. New City Press, 1995–1997.
John Sandell . Seasons in the Word: Liturgical Homilies . 3 vols. Liturgical Press, 2002–2004.
John Shea . The Spiritual Wisdom of the Gospels for Christian Preachers and Teachers . 4 vols. Liturgical Press, 2004–2006.
Year A : On Earth as It Is in Heaven ; Year B : Eating with the Bridegroom ; Year C : The Relentless Widow ; Vol. 4 : Feasts, Funerals, and Weddings: Following Love into Mystery .
Gerard Stephen Sloyan . Preaching from the Lectionary: An Exegetical Commentary , with CD-ROM. Fortress Press, 2004.
Mike Schmitz . The Sunday Homilies with Fr. Mike Schmitz Collection . 6 vols. Ascension Press, 2023-2024 .
James A. Wallace , et al. Lift Up Your Hearts: Homilies and Reflections for the . . . Cycle . 3 vols. Paulist Press, 2004–2006.
Geoff Wood . Living the Lectionary: Links to Life and Literature . 3 vols. Liturgy Training Publications, 2003–2005.
Mark G. Boyer . Day by Ordinary Day with Mark: Daily Reflections for Ordinary Time: Weeks 1-9 . Alba House, 1997.
Mark G. Boyer . Day by Ordinary Day with Matthew: Daily Reflections for Ordinary Time: Weeks 10-21 . Alba House, 1997.
Mark G. Boyer . Day by Ordinary Day with Luke: Daily Reflections for Ordinary Time: Weeks 22-34 . Alba House, 1997.
Mark G. Boyer . Day by Ordinary Day, Vol. 4: Daily Reflections on the First Readings, Year 1 . Alba House, 2010.
Mark G. Boyer . Day by Ordinary Day, Vol. 5: Daily Reflections on the First Readings, Year 2 . Alba House, 2011.
Harold A. Buetow . Thirst for Life: Meditations/Homilies for the Weekdays of the Year: St. Mark: Weeks 1 through 9 of Ordinary Time . Alba House, 2002.
Harold A. Buetow . The New Out of the Old: Meditations/Homilies for the Weekdays of the Year: St. Matthew: Weeks 10 through 21 of Ordinary Time . Alba House, 2002.
Harold A. Buetow . Rejoicing in Hope: Meditations/Homilies for the Weekdays of the Year: St. Luke: Weeks 22 through 34 of Ordinary Time . Alba House, 2002.
John F. Craghan . The Gospels of the Weekday Lectionary: Commentary and Reflections . Liturgical Press, 2010.
Joseph G. Donders . With Hearts on Fire: Reflections on the Weekday Readings of the Liturgical Year . Twenty-Third Publications, 1999. - mostly on the Gospels
Roland J. Faley . Reflections on the Weekday Lectionary Readings . Paulist Press, 2010.
S. Joseph Krempa . Captured Fire: New Daily Homilies, Year One . Alba House, 2008. - also ...Year Two , 2009.
Richard J. Sklba . Fire Starters: Igniting the Holy in the Weekday Homily . Liturgical Press, 2013. - covers the 34 weeks of Ordinary Time
Richard J. Sklba and Joseph Juknialis . Easter Fire: Fire Starters for the Easter Weekday Homily . Liturgical Press, 2016.
Don Talafous , O.S.B. Homilies for Weekdays: Year I . Liturgical Press, 2006.
Don Talafous , O.S.B. Homilies for Weekdays: Year II . Liturgical Press, 2005.
Don Talafous , O.S.B. Homilies for Weekdays: Solemnities, Feasts, and Memorials . Liturgical Press, 2009.
Albert Cardinal Vanhoye . Daily Bread of the Word: Reflections on the Weekday Lectionary Readings . LTP, 2019.
See also the published "Homily Helps" - available by subscription from Franciscan Media
See also my "Basic Steps for Biblical Preaching" and "Resources for Preaching"
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